Nettle has implemented a nationwide system for handling pharmaceutical transportation – Nettle Pharma. The new service is dedicated and open to all customers operating in the pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic industries, for which ensuring controlled conditions and temperature monitoring throughout the transportation process is a key requirement.

We are driven by health!
W naszej codziennej działalności kierujemy się zdrowiem pacjentów, dlatego sieć transportowa Nettle spełnia wszelkie wymagania wynikające z przepisów Prawa farmaceutycznego i Dobrej Praktyki Dystrybucyjnej. Wdrożony System Jakości i wewnętrzne procedury, wraz z doświadczonym zespołem profesjonalnych pracowników, gwarantują najwyższą jakość usług oraz zapewniają pełne bezpieczeństwo na każdym etapie transportu, przechowywania i dystrybucji produktów do aptek, szpitali, przychodni i gabinetów lekarskich.
We operate on the basis of Nettle Pharmaceutical Warehouse, a modern Pharmaceutical Center located near major transportation hubs and a system of 11 loading bays in key regions of Poland. Thanks to this organization, today we provide one of the largest drug delivery ranges in Poland.
We have and are constantly developing a fleet of specialized, mapped vehicles, we carry out drug deliveries in a safe and stable active cold chain, and each shipment is monitored in the Track&Trace system with online temperature measurement at each stage of delivery.

Nettle Pharma’s transportation system is a response to the needs of the pharmaceutical market, optimizing costs, allowing to increase the range of operations and distribution of medicines but, above all, it is a safe alternative that gives customers the opportunity to diversify suppliers providing certainty of operation in uncertain times.
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Marcin Janik
Sales Manager
in Logistics Services
phone: +48 501 954 043